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Towards a more inclusive society through Sports: the case of “Par-Olympia’’

When it comes to the growth and dissemination of the Paralympic Movement in Greece, the Hellenic Paralympic Committee (HPC) takes the lead. The HPC's mission is to remove barriers to sports participation for individuals with disabilities by providing resources and services for a variety of sports, from leisure to high-level competition. It helps people with disabilities interact with others and become active members of Greek society.

In this mindset, HPC is organising “Par-OLYMPIA’’, a recreational and informative sports event, during which young people with and without disabilities from all over Europe will have the opportunity to come together, enjoy, learn, and connect under the Olympic and Paralympic spirit in Olympic and Paralympic sports venues.

The event, taking place from 27th September to 4th October 2023, will host over 250 participants, including 100 young people with disabilities from 12 European countries.

Are you intrigued yet? Hurry and book your seat here!

Contact (Coordinator)

Via Operai 40, 16149 Genova (Italy)
Tel: + 39 010 / 2713852
Fax: + 39 010 / 2713205

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European Union logo with text: Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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